Monday, October 17, 2005

Randos truly are in the midst.

Being a blog dedicated to randos I think it only fitting to dedicate a post to any rando who breaks the third law, and thinks that they are people.

So as an award for the first rando sighted, this post is dedicated to you Mrs. Mayonnaise and your ongoing mission to spread the thought of mayonnaise throughout the internet.

Here is a random exerpt, that someone may find picant:
"What if we just can't see Spirits?
...or vampires?
...or demons?
...or angels?
...or pegasi?
What if we can't see God?
What if they all live among us, and not in some distant mental plane, but right here. Right in front of you - sitting betwixt the screen and your eyes.
How's that for coffee?
Better still - what if we've simply forgotten how to see them? This would explain a LOT"


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